Geography Postcards.

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italy can't send to russia, ukraine and moldova
01 Mar 2022, 09:24:48
as italians and russians put together are almost a half of the users on this site, i thought it was right to inform that poste italiane, the italian mail public service, decided to stop sending to russia, ukraine and moldova for the moment unfortunately, so i hope russians addresses won't be given to italian users or to users of other countries which had to take the same decision.
i think it would be sad to prepare postcards for russian friends and see it going expired without being allowed to send it.
i hope all this mad situation of war will end soon, above all for the people involved who suffer

02 May 2022, 22:38:24
stefbot75, si può spedire in Russia, dopo una breve sospensione e arrivano ! ;-)
We can ship to Russia after a short delay and they arrive! ;-)
02 May 2022, 21:35:34
I have added recently "Mail restrictions". You can find the link in the left menu. You can add there the restristions that your country has for specific destinations so that you don't get an address for those countries until shipment is resumed.
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