Geography Postcards.

Exchange Postcards
from each subregion
with random members!

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Incorrect ID
20 Nov 2023, 14:28:54
Hi~ Dear friend from China,
The ID on the card you sent me with a football stamp, a rabbit birthday card and a message in Japanese belonged to someone else.
Could you please tell me the correct ID?
19 Jun 2024, 08:21:00
@hari2102 That ID is from
19 Jun 2024, 08:16:10
@Repin You have DE-2204
07 Jun 2024, 09:19:43
Hi ! I received a postcard US-287 which happen to be a wrong ID and cannot be registered. The card is Mesa Verda National Park
05 Jun 2024, 12:58:33
Hi ! I received a postcard DE 2240 which
happen to be a wrong ID which cannot
be registered. The card has an image of of a library in Dresden, Germany. Perhaps, you can PM me to provide the right ID number. Thanks.
18 Mar 2024, 22:58:23
Hi, You have CN-2232 from Guangxi, China and CN-2186 from Anhui, China
If you can't tell which one it is, you can send me a PM with more details from the postcard.
UNESCO Postcards