Geography Postcards.

Exchange Postcards
from each subregion
with random members!

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14 Mar 2024, 19:23:13
Не могу зарегистрировать идентификатор из Молдовы. MD-75189
21 Mar 2024, 08:58:22
Благодарю всех за ответы. Разобралась, да, не отсюда открытка.
19 Mar 2024, 20:52:34
@ Ramilya18, it is an Id of P.c. almost certainly; the order of the numbers corresponds. You try swapping the order of the digits. It CANNOT be a Geopostcards (there is no one from Moldova and the number is too large anyway). If you can't, go to and ask them for help (write in English or Portuguese, otherwise they won't answer you).
18 Mar 2024, 23:09:00
@ Ramilya18, if you wrote in English, maybe more members could help you.

Here on Geo, Italy which has the most exchanges is at around two thousand eight hundred.
There is no one from Moldova here. :-/
It is a P.c. Id (maybe with some errors); on P.c. the MD is at about seventy-five thousand
18 Mar 2024, 22:52:04
Hi! I can't find a postcard from Moldova for you.
18 Mar 2024, 10:51:28
Я не корректно написала MD-75189
Я на трех сайтах, один только по России, там другой Id, международный, но там код из 8 цифр, и вот этот, короткий код только тут.
17 Mar 2024, 02:19:57
@ Ramilya18, 75189 CANNOT be an Id of this club.
Normally we try to write in English, though!
15 Mar 2024, 11:50:53
Дорогая Ольга из Молдовы. Не могу зарегистрировать вашу открытку, деревенский пейзаж с лошадкой и домами. очень бы хотелось вас поблагодарить за такую красоту. отзовитесь пожалуйста.
UNESCO Postcards