Postcards sent: 2
Postcards received: 2
Postcards in progress: 0
Stars received: 3.00
Country: China
Languages: Chinese, Japanese, English
Member since: 05 September 2024
Last activity: 16 September 2024
Dear friends,
I'm Li xiaofeng from Qingdao, China, a beautiful seaside town.
My name is written in Chinese characters is “李晓峰”. First name '晓峰(xiaofeng)' is means 'The peaks at sunrise'.
I currently live in Japan for university. I'm studying for systematic Entomology of the Aphodiinae (some small dung beetles) and am also collecting stag beetle specimens as a hobby. We can also exchange specimens if you want !
I can speak a little English, but not good at it. Good in Chineses and Japanese.
Don't mind any type of postcard,I'd be very happy to receive them.
It would be the best about insects.
Look forward to postcard from you.